The case in question is the code that traverses the scene graph and intersects a ray.
Now, I'm putting the ultimate efficiency and DOD type concerns aside for a moment. I grant you there may be more efficient/better ways of doing this, it's just for discussion purposes.
Disclaimer: I am not (yet) a Haskell expert. There are probably better ways of doing this or writing it in Haskell. I write for the reasons of discussing what I've learnt about trying to write a practical application in Haskell. If there are better ways of doing it, I'd love to know, as I'm still learning.
So, first up, the code:
intersectSceneGraph' :: [SceneGraphNode] -> Ray -> Maybe (Object, Position, Int) -> Maybe (Object, Position, Int)
intersectSceneGraph' (node:nodes) ray currentHit = intersectSceneGraph' (newNodeList ++ nodes) ray thisResult
(thisResult, newNodeList) = case shapeIntersect (Sphere $ boundingRadius node) ray (transform (object node)) of
Nothing -> (currentHit, [])
Just (_, _) -> case shapeIntersect nodeObjectShape ray nodeObjectTransform of
Nothing -> (currentHit, children node)
Just (objHitDistance, objHitId) -> (Just (object node, pointAlongRay ray objHitDistance, objHitId), children node)
nodeObjectShape = shape $ object node
nodeObjectTransform = transform $ object node
intersectSceneGraph' [] _ currentHit = currentHit
intersectSceneGraph :: SceneGraphNode -> Ray -> Maybe (Object, Position, Int)
intersectSceneGraph node ray = intersectSceneGraph' (node : []) ray Nothing
(If the code does not display clearer in your browser, cut and paste to a text editor)
This function is split into two parts. intersectSceneGraph is essentially a front end, a wrapper for intersectSceneGraph'. intersectSceneGraph' traverses a list of scene graph nodes, tests the ray against the bounding volume, and if it intersets it, it then intersects against the contained object and recurs to the children.
This function is split into two parts. intersectSceneGraph is essentially a front end, a wrapper for intersectSceneGraph'. intersectSceneGraph' traverses a list of scene graph nodes, tests the ray against the bounding volume, and if it intersets it, it then intersects against the contained object and recurs to the children.
So, how does it traverse a tree?
The Haskell code is very similar to C code that traverses a tree using a software stack.
The operation is defined in a tail recursive fashion. I process one element of the list, and then recur to the remainder of the list. If the node in question is a new closest hit, this gets passed through to the next recursion as the new current state. If the bounding volume is intersected, then I add the children of the node to the list. If it is not intersected, I add nothing, an empty list.
This business of passing through state seems a little odd. Why would one instance of a function pass its internal state to another? This is a Haskell idiom. By passing the state from one call to another, as an "accumulator" parameter, it allows the compiler to eliminate any intermediate state on the stack and implement the recursion as a goto loop.
And all of this is lazily evaluated.
In pseudo-C, the code might look something like this:
closestHit = null;
while((topOfStack = stack.pop()) != NULL)
if(intersect(ray, topOfStack->bounding volume))
if(intersect(ray, topOfStack->object))
closestHit = this one
push(stack, topOfStack->children);
I think this shows the elegance of Haskell. Think of what is not there. There are no braces to explain scope to the compiler: you just indent it. There are no incidental variables describing the state of loop variables and so on. The compiler automatically pattern matches and dispatches to appropriate special cases instead. No pointer walks. No null checks. No explicit shuffling of data from A to B. You have a closer, more direct description of your algorithm, and the compiler fills in the gubbins.
Of course, there is a cost to all of this. By sacrificing that lower-level control, you lose out on the ultimate optimisability of the code. Still, the objective here is to find the best way to learn and use Haskell, rather than write the ultimate real-time raytracer in SIMD assembly! :-)
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